꿈꾸는코난 2009. 6. 10. 18:28

Like IPv4, the specification for the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) header and extension headers does not provide facilities for reporting errors. Instead, IPv6 uses an updated version of the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) named ICMP version 6 (ICMPv6). ICMPv6 has the common IPv4 ICMP functions of reporting delivery and forwarding errors and providing a simple echo service for troubleshooting. ICMPv6 is defined in RFC 4443 and is required for an IPv6 implementation.

The ICMPv6 protocol also provides a packet structure framework for the following:

Neighbor Discovery     Neighbor Discovery (ND) is a series of five ICMPv6 messages that manage node-to-node communication on a link. ND replaces Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), ICMPv4 Router Discovery, and the ICMPv4 Redirect message. ND is described in more detail in Chapter 6, “Neighbor Discovery.”
Multicast Listener     Discovery Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) is a series of three ICMPv6 messages that are equivalent to the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) for IPv4 for managing subnet multicast membership.

  * ICMPv6 Header Structure


Type     Indicates the type of ICMPv6 message. The size of this field is 8 bits. In ICMPv6 error messages, the high-order bit is set to 0. In ICMPv6 informational messages, the high-order bit is set to 1.

Code     Differentiates among multiple messages within a given message type. The size of this field is 8 bits. For the first, or only, message for a given type, the value of the Code field is 0.

Checksum     Stores a checksum of the ICMPv6 message. The size of this field is 16 bits. The IPv6 pseudo-header is added to the front of the ICMPv6 message when calculating the checksum.

Message body     Contains ICMPv6 message-specific data.

  * ICMPv4와 ICMPv6 메시지의 비교